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Sally Earthwood

Author, Writer, Speaker, Teacher.

Folk magic, conjure and New Orleans Vodou author, writer, speaker and teacher, sharing her legacy from the ground up.

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about Sally

Read all about Sally Earthwood, the who, the when and the why…

Author & Writer

Author and writer for various magazines, newspapers and brands.

Speaker & Teacher

Running workshops, courses and talks for 29 years on folk magic.

Witch & Vodou Mama

Her passion, path and way of life.

Author, writer, speaker and teacher of folk magic,  Sally Earthwood is a traditional folk witch based in Lancashire, just around the corner from the famous Pendle Hill which was the site of the Lancashire Witch Trials. She is a barefoot in the grass, foraging, natural living, homesteading, nature-loving, folk magic practitioner & traditional witch and was born and raised as a traditional witch 47 years ago.

She has had the honour and pleasure of writing for, being interviewed for, or working with some amazing companies, brands, and media over the years such as The BBC, The Daily Mail, Fox News, USA Today, Reuters, The Walt Disney Corporation, Spirit & Destiny Magazine, Fate & Fortune Magazine and many, many more. She adores collaborating with brands and businesses and loves working with the media because she feels that traditional witches and folk witches are often overshadowed by Wicca.

She have been teaching traditional witchcraft and folk magic since 1995 and has taught over 500 workshops and courses. With folk magic, the way we all learn is to be taught by another as back in the days of old, we didn’t have instruction books like we do now. Although raised as a traditional witch, Sally is also fully trained in Conjure (also known as rootwork/hoodoo) and New Orleans Vodou due to her Creole heritage. She was the founder and former owner of The Village Witch Shop, which was the UK’s largest witchcraft shop of its type at the time and this was founded in 1995. However, in 2019, she handed the shop down to her eldest daughter Amy whilst Sally herself created The Lancashire Witch shop. The 2 shops merged as we moved from South to North yet our traditions stayed the same. To bring folk magic, that we love, respect and cherish to the world with care, attention to detail and knowledge.

To Sally, magic isn’t a hobby, it’s her entire way of life, her being, and it is held deep within her core. She works with all sides of magic, in balance, just as nature is.

latest Ramblings From Sally’s Desk

Tappity tap tap on the the keyboard…


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