The term ‘Fluffy’ in Witchcraft

The term ‘Fluffy’ in Witchcraft

If you are a Witch, the term ‘fluffy’ is banded about on a daily basis.  The actual dictionary definition of ‘Fluffy’ is: fluff·y (flŭfˈē) adjective fluffier fluff·i·er, fluffiest fluff·i·est a. Of, relating to, or resembling fluff. b. Covered with fluff. Light and airy; soft: fluffy curls; a fluffy soufflé. a. Light or frivolous: a fluffy…

Crystals, Gems & Metals & Their Magical Properties

Crystals, Gems & Metals & Their Magical Properties

Crystals have been used throughout history for their healing and magical qualities. Many people believe that each stone emits a certain energy which can have a beneficial effect on our well being. Stones can be carried around with you from day to day to help.  As with all ‘tools’, crystals are not required to cast…