How to make your home…magical

How to make your home…magical

There are 2 types of witchy homes. Those where everything is a little hidden and hushed away and the other where it’s like walking into the set of the Addams Family. And, whilst aesthetics are a wonderful way to get into the mood for a little witchiness, the true magic comes from you, and it…

Debunking 20 myths about witchcraft, magic and spells

Debunking 20 myths about witchcraft, magic and spells

Magic and spell working are surrounded by myths and misconceptions which eventually buried its true essence and principles. Some of these myths are comical, some are downright dangerous. So let’s myth bust a few right here, right now! Myth 1: Those who practice magic, worship “the Devil”. “The Devil” is a Christian construct. It is…

Spells not working? Here’s why your magic might not work…

Spells not working? Here’s why your magic might not work…

There are different kinds of spells for different kinds of situations. It could be about money, healing, protection or something else. Spells, as you know from previous blog posts of mine, are wishes or requests you make to the universe. We have all heard the saying ‘if you want something enough, you’ll make it happen’…

Samhain – The real reason for the Hallowe’en season

Samhain – The real reason for the Hallowe’en season

When you think of Hallowe’en you may think of trick or treaters, ghosts and ghouls, pumpkins, candles and some may even think it is a night for evil magical antics. Where some of the above may have their place in Hallowe’en or Samhain as Witches call it, anything evil could not be further from the…

Talismans, amulets & charms – Differences, similarities & how to use them.

Talismans, amulets & charms – Differences, similarities & how to use them.

In various TV programmes, movies and even in some witchcraft and magical literature the terms ‘talisman’, ‘amulet’ and ‘charm’ seem to be used interchangeably and this sadly is incorrect as each item as it’s own meaning and use, but there are similarities and they can be used together (just to make things even more confusing!)….